Thursday, January 28, 2010

☆Reiko, the Dream-Weaver :D ☆

[Currently listening to "無能為力 (translated as 'Helpless')" from the Cantonese movie "Love Is Not All Around (十分愛)".]

Hi everyone :) I hope you had a good day, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to make a blog post as I orignally planned for yesterday because I was very busy getting some homework done for my online classes. Ever done all-nighers? Regretfully, I've done it too; sure I got a lot of things done, and yes, I know it's not a healthy thing to do, especially for my body. ...but you know what, guys? I'm breaking the habit, starting now. From now on, I'm not doing that again for my assignments. Ever. Time for a readjustment in my schedule and routine for a little bit, but at least I'm taking the baby steps to get me there. :)
As you may have guessed from the title for today's blog, I'm going to talk about knitting and crocheting for a little bit. No, it's not a tutorial, although I am planning on putting up tutorial blogs in the near future. The main reason why I brought up this topic tonight is that I noticed recently from one of my college friends on Facebook that she was struggling to learn how to crochet. I was actually very excited and happy for her to take on a new hobby, so I encouraged her to keep on trying (and eventually she got past making the chain stitch!).

I'd like to share with you all a little bit of my experiences with crocheting and knitting, so please sit back and read on! :)

I learned the basics of crocheting from my mom when I was in middle school. My mom taught herself how to crochet during her younger years and growing up, I learned to appreciate the art of crocheting through the lace doilies she made. The way the lace looped and intertwined within itself was fascinating, and I couldn't help thinking, "My mom made something like this?" When I was in sixth or seventh grade, my mom and I came up with a project: to take turns crocheting my blanket. I chose the colors and patterns, she got the yarn, and for each row of color, I learned a new stitch. I'm not sure how long it took us to finally finish it but long story short, it did take a long while and the blanket acutally ended up being very BIG. Big as in... you can fit 3 grown people in it very comfortably. Yeah, it was that BIG.

By eighth grade, Mom slowly taught herself how to knit, but I was reluctant to learn since it looked difficult and confusing. I continued to crochet here and there until I got to college, and I haven't done much crocheting until this past year. During my junior year, I asked my mom to teach me how to knit, and yes, I will admit that I was very confused and stubborn at first - it took me days to finally understand how to cast-on on my own (no help of books or even the Internet at the time either!). Eventually, through the help of online videos and forums, I have advanced in knitting techniques and have made blankets and scarves for myself and my friends.

I have been crocheting for many years and am still branching out with knitting, but overall I enjoy yarnwork with either technique because each completed project is unique - you put your time, effort and your heart into making it so with each item made, a part of you will remain in it. It's also a very relaxing activity; I use it as a method for clearing out thoughts or even daydreaming - sometimes I'll visualize the future image of my project and think, "I can't wait to give this to so-and-so" or "I can't wait for my very own so-and-so" (if I don't feel like buying new clothes, lol!). What I like most about doing this is that it's not only a personal activity but a social one as well. In my last year in my home college, I joined the knitting and crocheting club and I got to meet a lot of young women who shared the same interest as me; I even received a lot of advice from advanced knitters within the group, and thanks to them, I've become more confident in my yarnwork skills.

So girls and guys - yes, guys can do it too! - I encourage you all to try out something new, especially knitting and/or crocheting because it really is fun. It really does take a lot of time, patience and concentration to learn and make new crafts, but in time they can be done. If you get yourself caught in a slump, don't give up! Remember that success comes in cans, not can'ts, so ask for help if you need it and don't stop until it's done! (...yes, you can have breaks in between - I didn't mean it like that lol!) If you'd like to seek help, I'd be more than happy to share my advice personally through my blog, so I hope you'll stay tuned! :)

Okay, everyone, I need to get to bed soon, so I wish you all sweet dreams :) And speaking of sweet, I'll be buying the ingredients to my chicken noodle soup tutorial and my secret sweet tutorial for my boyfriend, Taylor, for our anniversary (1.5 years!). The full tutorial is scheduled to be up on Saturday night. :)

Until next time,

With love ~Reiko ☆*.

Monday, January 25, 2010

☆ New Blog Line-up :) ☆

[Currently listening to/re-watching one of my favorite Japanese dramas: "Ryusei no Kizuna" (Bound by Shooting Stars). I recommend this if you like Asian dramas!]
Hi everyone! I hope you're having a good start to your week :)

Today's entry will be brief, but I have an announcement!

I've come up with a decision earlier today to make this blog a daily blog. I would like to make this blog more interesting by sharing my thoughts, words, pictures... pieces of me that I hope will reach out to you as well. I haven't truly decided what to do as far as format, but topics that I have so far are the following:

-Beauty and Health - I'll share some simply beauty tips such as caring for your face or taking care of your body!
-Let's Talk About Reiko - Where I can share some things about me; for example, I'll talk about school and how I'm doing
-Music of the Week - I love to listen to different kinds of music, so if there's anything that I find or already have in my collection that I like, I'll suggest them to you all :)
-Book Finds - I am currently taking classes, but I always find some time to read something other than textbooks. So, once a month, I'll post a book find of the month.
-New/Recommended Places - I mentioned in my New Year Resolution entry that I would find new places to explore. I'll be doing that too, hopefully with some pictures to follow if I am able. It's nice to explore new places that you've never been to before :)
-Crafts - I'll share my crafts with you all too since I also like to knit, sew and crochet. If you have a question about any of these, I'd be more than happy to post tutorials for you all. Also, I encourage for crafting to not be limited to young women and children - the guys can too!
-Ask Reiko - Got a question that you'd like to ask me? The floor is open to you guys! Appropriate questions preferred, of course :)

The reason why I've decided to do this update was because of inspiration this past weekend: While helping my parents with rearrangements at our house, I came across from old issues of cooking magazines; after flipping through the pages and finding some recipes, I want to try them out, so I hope to be able to share my culinary adventures as well as adventures outside the kitchen with you all too. :)

So, what do you guys think? Please leave me your feedback in the comments - I'd really appreciate it!

Well, I'm off to brainstorm for tomorrow's entry and tomorrow's coming pretty fast! Be sure to tune in for it! Until then everyone, be well!

Much love
~Reiko ☆*.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

☆How to Exfoliate Your Face: A Tutorial☆

[Currently listening to Late Night Alumni's "Of Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Etc." album in random, starting with "Light Reading"]

This morning, as I was working on my Old Testament homework and realizing that I haven't washed my face yet, I also realized that I was in dire need of exfoliating the skin peeling off from my face. See? ...gross. I KNOW.
I had to do something about it - it couldn't wait. And before I even started to fix this problem, I had an idea:

...write a blog entry about it.

Originally, I'd never thought I'd be doing beauty tutorials here on my blog... But why not? I'm still new to this so a bit of support would help along the way! :Dv

This is a simple, inexpensive and effective way to exfoliate the skin on your face: using your facial cleanser, a gentle soap like Dial or Dove and ...a toothbrush.
NO, not using the one you actually use on your teeth, sillies. (That's just gross!) Use an extra toothbrush that you can use to exfoliate your face! Choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles that are also effective in peeling away dead skin, excess oils and dirt from your face. In the end, this should make your face not only free from the dirt and oils, but feeling fresh and radiant. It can also help reduce the appearance of blackheads too. So, if you're ready for a clean face, let's get started!

(Note: The products that I'm using for this tutorial are Clean&Clear Morning Burst Facial Cleanser with accompanying oil-free moisturizer; and my travel-size toothbrush, a gift from mom. I suggest that you choose facial products that work best with your skin!)
After pulling my hair back away from my face (...okay, not really.), I splash my face with cold water. I know some of you might cringe at the thought of doing so, but this helps to awaken your face and helps the blood flow in the face area. Splash water on your face for about 10-15 seconds. After that, I take a gentle, moisturizing soap (I used Dial here) and lather it all over the face.
Then, taking your toothbrush, let the bristles rest lightly and gently on the face; using light, gentle circular motions, begin exfoliating your face (you may need to look in the mirror for this). Let the bristles do the work, and just let your hand guide the way. You may be able to see the dead skin being scrubbed away. (I know it's gross, but cool at the same time!)
After exfoliating the face, rinse throughly with warm water to get all the soap and other "stuff" off. But don't dry your face just yet! Next, I take some of the Morning Burst facial cleanser and apply it all over my face, using circular motions on my fingertips - this will help to apply the cleanser to all areas of the face. Don't forget problem areas where acne and pimples are more likely to occur. Do this for about 60 seconds. After that, rinse your face with warm water, removing all of the cleanser, and pat your face dry with a towel. Your face should feel refreshed and awake at this point.
Don't forget to moisturize your face! While exfoliating, you not only opened up the pores to clean the dirt but also stripped away the natural moisture in your skin in the process. Bring the moisture back by adding moisturizer - best if it's oil-free so it does not clog your pores.
If you notice redness or irritation on your skin, it's more than likely that you weren't being gentle enough while exfoliating - softer is better! Or, if this doesn't work well for you, facial scrubs may be a better option for you, such as St. Ives Apricot Scrub. (I have Premier's Exfoliating & Cleansing Facial Gel - it's more on the expensive side but I got it from a friend!) Using a toothbrush can be effective, but I don't recommend using harsh materials such as exfoliating gloves - you don't want to roughen up your beautiful face!I recommend exfoliating your face at least 1-2 times a week, best done at night before going to bed; the skin needs to not only breathe but be given time to regenerate and bring out what we like to have: clearer, cleaner skin.

Beauty really is skin deep.
Try this out and let me know what you think! Here's to a brighter face and a happier you!

Much happiness and love,
~Reiko ☆*

Friday, January 22, 2010

☆Chicken Soup for the Soul! ☆

[Listening to "The Fame Monster" by Lady Gaga, starting with "Bad Romance, of course!]

...holy crow, I haven't updated all week! How is everyone doing? Can you believe another week has already come and gone? I need to get myself back into the game-mode, don't I?

So... I've kept in touch with Taylor, my boyfriend, in the last week - unfortunately for him, he caught the flu the day after we last saw each other, and he's been at home trying really hard to rest so he can get better. I talked to him via Skype last night and he says that he's feeling better. That's great, isn't it? :) Better to be better than not! ☆

Speaking of getting better... What are your remedies for getting back on your feet after getting sick? Mine have always been lots of hot tea with honey and/or lemon, sleep, and...

...chicken noodle soup?

That's right, I'm talking about chicken noodle soup today! No, not the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, although I do own 2 of the first Teenage Soul books myself and they're overall very good books! I'm talking about the real deal here! ☆

We all get sick, and for a long time, one of the most popular remedies for getting better is to have a nice steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup. I haven't gotten sick this year...yet, and whether I do get sick or not, this simple soup is not only delicious and easy to make, but it really is "good for the soul" as well as the body. How? Well, the answer is in the essential ingredients in the pot (and for the record, I'm not a nutritionist - I'm just a normal girl just interested in food and their benefits; and yes, I have done my research from various soures!):

Chicken - Now, it wouldn't be chicken noodle soup without the chicken, now would it? Well, not only does chicken give flavor to the soup, but when cooked, chicken releases an amino acid cysteine and it helps loosen the mucous in the lungs and makes it easier to cough out.
Onion - I know quite a bit of people who don't like onion, but onion not only adds to the flavor of the soup, but the oils that give the onions their strong pungent flavor is also rich in antioxidants. In addition, they also contain antihistamine and anti-flammatory properties.
Garlic - Now, I mentioned this ingredient in my Greek pizza tutorial a little while ago, so if you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do (and you'll be thanking me for your next idea for your lunch or dinner!). In addition to what I said, did you also know that garlic can help boost your immune system and help fight bacterial and viral infections?
Ginger - I know some of you are raising your eyebrow and asking yourself, "...ginger?" Yes, ginger! For some, it may be an unusual ingredient for this soup, but I use it when I make mine. Not only is ginger a spice, but it is also beneficial to your immune system and soothing sore throat, as well as fighting off infection.
Carrots - And lastly, carrots and celery, which makes the soup complete. Not only is it strong in beta-carotine but when it is converted to vitamin A, it acts as a booster for the white blood cells in your body to help fight off infection.

One more thing! The steam and the heat of the soup helps to loosen and soothe your nose and throat when it gets clogged and/or sore. It helps for a short amount of time, but better to have that time than to not have any relief at all!

I'll be sharing my chicken noodle soup tutorial next week when my pay-check comes in, so be sure to turn in for that. You can share this recipe for when you or a loved one gets sick, or whenever you just want that yummy bowl of soup!

Well, I'm off to get ready for the day, but I encourage you all to be and stay well, even during this season since we're vulnerable to get sick. Have a great day, and I'll be back again soon!

Much wellness to you all:

~Reiko ☆*.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

☆ Coffee/ er... Tea Break on a Sunday Night ☆

[Listening to: "Tik Tok" - Ke$ha; currently playing the "Animal" album by Ke$ha]

No, I'm actually not sipping on either coffee or tea; I was just trying to think of something nifty for the title... Although... I might make myself a cup of tea before going to bed tonight. But we shall see.

How is everyone doing? Did you all have a good weekend? After a long week of back to back work days, I got one day off - today - and I won't be off again until this coming Saturday. After that? ...well, I won't really know until the schedule comes out... which should be, hopefully soon.

I've had a good day though; last night after coming home from work, I finally got started on my homework for my online classes, particularly my Old Testament class since the assignment is actually due today. I turned in my acutal response this morning and responded to a few discussion essays from my classmates. I'm actually looking forward to reading the passages in my new Bible; for me, it'll be a refresher because it has been a while since I looked at the Bible seriously, and I'm also hoping to find some spiritual inspiration from the passages. I'll let you all know how that goes as the class progresses. :)

In addition, I'm slowly becoming more acquainted with my other online courses - Accounting II and Art History. In all honesty... I'm not really looking forward to Accounting, particularly because I've been dealing with accounting courses in the last couple of years and... Let's just say that I'm tired of dealing with numbers, and the accounting principles are just too confusing for me to even care. Art history, on the other hand? ...well, I don't truly know. I've actually never taken an art history class before, so this should be interesting.

It has been a while since I've navigated Blackboard for an online course, but I'm now getting the hang of it. I'd prefer to do the online classes as opposed to going into an actual classroom. before anyone starts trolling, here's my 2 cents:

As much as I do enjoy going to campus and getting a better understanding while in an actual classroom setting, at the same time I can't get comfortable for a few reasons: -the time, distance, and additional cost of having to go the campus for a few hours during the day; -tolerance for the professors' teaching styles; -being around other students who act as though it's high school all over again. I could really use the money for something else rather than spend it on gas to get from place to place, so I'd rather not travel a long way. I'm sure a lot of students would agree about the teaching styles of the professors - they're either really good or, put bluntly, they suck. Thank goodness for I'd prefer to go to a class that is enjoyable for me that it would motivate me to want to actually go to each class session; however, if a professor can't sell me their best lesson, I'm not buying it. And finally... Gosh, sometimes a lot of the students, even in the community college that I go to, act as though they're in high school all over again. Yeah, after attending accellerated courses last summer for Economics, and almost surrounded by students younger that me who seem to act like arrogant know-it-all-wannabes... Needless to say, I'm never going through that again. Seriously, when will they grow up? =/

Taking online courses is, for me, a better option. It's a given that it takes a lot of discipline to do well in the course(s), but given the time and the will, the work can be done. I'm on my computer a lot so that benefits me in navigating the sites and communicating with my professors and classmates efficiently. What I like most of all is that I can take the course at my own pace; at times I can be a very slow reader, so I make sure that I'm given a lot of time to myself so I understand the material(s) better. The discussion board function on Blackboard is a great source of communication, and I can interact with people without having the pressure of having other people literally watching me. (Paranoid much?)

Oftentimes, I get asked whether it's best to take an online course or actually go to the campus for class. The best answer I can give is to try either one to see which style works best for you. However, when you're taking an online course, you really do need to discipline yourself so that you can understand the materials on your own, so the best advice I can give is to devote your time to do well in the class(es). Yes, you will have to make a few sacrifices by doing so, but you can do it if you really do try. Trust in your strengths, and your instincts!

Oh, remember when I mentioned that I was going to use up most of my check for all 3 of my textbooks for this semester? ...well, apparently I used up to 90% of my paycheck in 1 day just for those books. Did I also mention that I'm taking an Art History course? That new book is a $180+ MONSTER. I better get something good back when I sell it back after the semester. T_T

...just thinking about it just made me not want to make that cup of tea. Damn. =/

~Reiko ☆*.

Edit: Feel free to tell me: What is the best style for you - being in class or self-study for online courses. And why? (This sounds like a homework question, doesn't it? Not intentional, I assure you!)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

☆Music of the week: "Wedding Dress" - TaeYang ☆

Before going to my music find of the week, I wanna mention something: See the Cranberry Apple tea that I have in my hand? Bigelow's Cranberry Apple tea is very delicious, and I suggest you all to try this tea out. Why? Because awesome delicious tea is awesome. And delicious. :) It's a very nice blend of cranberries, apples (duh!), hibiscus, chamomile, and rose hips. Best of all, since this tea is more of an herbal tea, it's caffiene free, so you can treat yourself to a nice cup of this before going to bed. :) I sweeten my tea with a spoonful of honey; it's already sweet, flavor-wise, but I like that hint of even more sweetness with mine. :)v ☆

All right, now without further ado: Music of the Week!

I'm very excited to introduce you guys to a singer whose song that I found so pretty that I even have that playing on loop in my iTunes and on my iPod - a very talented singer from Korea, say hello to TaeYang!
I did a little bit of research on him, and apparently he's the lead singer for the Korean pop band, Big Band and they've been around since 2006. Not only is the band famous in Korea, but Japan as well - I found out that he accompanies Thelma Aoyama, a favorite Japanese artist of mine, in her single "Fall in Love" which is coming out later this month, so I'm very excited to hear more from them! He already has a solo mini-album out, "Hot" and his second solo album, "Real", is said to come out later on this year. :)

"Wedding Dress" came out in November 2009 and I can't believe I missed this during my music finds at the time! But then again, it's better than not at all. This song is the only one I've found from him so far, but I look forward to finding more about him the near future. This song got me hooked - hell, even the music video is very good too. It's the song of a young man who has a love for a girl who gets proposed and married to his best friend. The lyrics express his feelings for her, and now that she is married, he realizes that he will never be able to express them to her; in the end, as much as he loves her, he decides that he loves her enough to let her go and be happy. Music-wise, the piano intro is beautiful and strong, but most of all, I like how the wedding march blended in during the interlude - soft with a hint of sadness. The style of the song reminds me of Ne-Yo's "Mad". Now I'm not saying that either song is better than the other, but overall as much as it is a sad song, it's actually very beautiful.

The first time I read the translations for the song while listening to it (since I don't know much Korean yet!), I cried. It reminds me a little bit about my past, which I won't explain here, but I will say that I do understand what it's like to be in a position like this. ...and love here is the hardest thing to overcome.

To get a better look at this song, check out the music video below - you may need to open this video in a separate window to see all the lyrics translations. I hope you'll enjoy this song as much as I do. (But I take that back since I've had this song on loop for the past couple of days now... XD )

Love with all your heart, everyone!

~Reiko ☆*.

Edit: On a slightly related note (or not...), as of Monday night, my boyfriend Taylor and I are back together after being separated for a (long) month and a half. :) I've been feeling much happier since then. :)

☆Starbucks Shenanigans with tehmetalleer! ☆

So, I met up with my friend and fellow tweep, Tony (tehmetalleer), a couple of nights ago. ☆ Well, for me this was awesome, especially since I haven't seen him in a long while. :Dv So 5 awesome Reiko stars for awesome friends! ☆☆☆☆☆
...and you know what's also awesome?
Domo=WIN ...just saying. :)v

So, yes, I got to see him at Starbucks after work, and hung out while the place was almost full of people for the Open Mic night. It was pretty entertaining. ...even the barista guy who made our drinks was very lively, and for that, he deserves some kudos. :)

In fact, I enjoyed the White Chocolate/Cinnamon Dolce concoction that he made for me so much that I did this:
"I iz pur~dy~! ☆ Ye~ah!

Being silly is just part of the fun! Live your life in a fun (and silly) way! :Dv

xoxo ~Reiko ☆*.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

☆Que Sera Sera, My Dear :) ☆

Heh heh, you guys thought I fell off the face of the earth here, now didn't you? :)
...I'm just kidding. How was everyone's weekend? Good, I hope! Let me know in the comments section! :)
Also, I'm putting up a new poll for this week; apparently, I don't have a lot of fans who read my blogs just yet and I seem to be the only one answering my own poll... -__- ...give a girl some love, you guys! *shakes fist!*
Well, just to get you guys up to speed with what's been going on with me lately:
1. I noticed that since going to the gym this past week, my endurace for jogging and whatnot has definitely improved! I got to the gym late after work on Friday night and it was as though I didn't want to stop! So, there's definitely been some improvement for my stamina, and I'm very happy about that. :) I haven't felt that way in a long while, not since the fencing competition that I went to last year.
2. I finally enrolled for classes this semester at my local community college... And that left me with very, very little money in my account afterward. ;___; Unfortunately, I won't be able to have money come in until around Friday when my paycheck comes around; by that time I'll be able to pay for my textbooks (all of which will blow-out 75% or more of my check anyway D: ). No, I've decided not to go for financial aid this time around, but I'm actually feeling pretty proud of myself for taking this responsibility upon myself to enroll for classes and do this on my own. I'm taking Principles of Accounting II, History of Art I, and Readings of the Old Testament. I'm pretty excited for taking these courses (seriously) this semester, except for the part where the books are going to bomb my check big time this week. =/
...and speaking of money...
3. I'm selling some of my stuff! ...okay, make that... a lot. In the past few months/years, I've been wanting to sell a lot of my possessions like my manga, DVDs, and other collectables. Otaku, me? Hell yes. In recent months, however, I've come to realize that I can do without a lot of these beautiful possessions and as much as I hate to even think of parting with all of them... I'm doing this for a good cause. Besides, I bet there are a lot of awesome folk out there who would love to give my stuff new homes. So! This past weekend, my project was to re-update my inventory and I finally posted my entries to my LiveJournal Garage Sale! If you happen to be reading this and are interested in what I have to offer, then I invite you to visit my LJ:
By the way, you saw the pic earlier right? That's the same one I used earlier today for my Garage Sale advertisement :)
4. I found out recently that my friend, whom we'll nickname Lara Croft (for privacy purposes), is engaged and last night she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. ...and I said YES! I'm very excited for 2 reasons: I haven't been to a wedding yet (especially for my friends), and I feel very honored because I've never been asked by anyone to become a bridesmaid before. I'm excited and a little bit nervous, but in time, assuming that things go well in the next few months, everything will fall into place. She and I have a very interesting past with each other, but even after the craziness that happened, she finally found her happiness. I'm very happy for her and I'm looking forward to helping her out in any way I can until the big day. :)
5. I also found out from my mom via text message earlier this evening that a resident I know just passed away, and I didn't see this one coming. His name was Mr. Wilkinson, and over the past few years, I would see him coming into the dining room, always getting his food from the buffet line and serving him cup after cup of hot decaf coffee. He has a wife who is now taken cared of by nurses in the special care department, but when they came down to eat meals together, they were one of the sweetest couples I've ever known. I'll definitely miss him. :(
...see, right there is an example of one setback from working in a retirement home (refer to my previous blog about my job). You get to meet a lot of people there, many with wonderful personalities and with beautiful backgrounds. I've learned by now that the more you get to know these people, a bit of attachment grows as well. I had a similar feeling with some of the residents who have already passed away. A lot of times, they go when you least expect it. I will feel sad about it, definitely. However, I have to keep telling myself that this is a natural process of life, and that's why I decided that I'm going to try harder to live my life to the fullest, and to my ability with a smile. People lead beautiful lives and their stories live on; maybe one day mine will too.
But on a lighter, happier note, I feel that there are a lot of things looking up in the next months to come, so I've gotta keep my chin up. :)
Tell me a bit about yourself in the comments section below: What is your motivation for living your life? :)
That's all for now everyone, and again, sorry for the lack of updates - you'll see more of me soon enough!
Until next time,
xoxo ~Reiko ☆*.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

☆Greek Pizza! ☆

Yup, you guessed it - a recipe for you guys! ☆

Now, I didn't have to travel to Greece in order to learn this recipe; rather, this is my creation of the Greek flatbread pizza that I serve at work. I've been using this simple recipe for my pizza dough at home for a long time and I absoultely love it. I substituted my usual toppings (mushrooms with extra cheese) for a fresh Mediterranen-inspired blend of vegetables and cheese, particularly feta cheese. :) It's fresh, easy to make, and... yummy! And now, I'm more than happy to share this with you all. I hope you'll enjoy making this as much as I did!

First is the recipe for the pizza dough. You'll get the best taste results when the dough is fresh. :) You'll need the following:

-1 package *or* 2 1/4 teaspoon active dry yeast This is what will make the dough rise and give it a fluffy texture.
-4 tablespoons warm water This will be used to dissolve the yeast. It's best to have the warm water at about body temperature or higher (if it's too cold, it won't dissolve and your dough won't rise; if too hot, the heat will kill the yeast cells).
-2 cups flour By the way, you don't need to sift the flour for this. I usually use wheat-flour, but I used all-purpose in mine.
-1/4 teaspoon salt This brings out the sweetness of the dough.
-1 tablespoon olive oil This enhances the flavor of the dough and also helps the dough feel fluffy.
-1/2 cup warm water This brings everything together!

First, dissolve the yeast with the the 4 tablespoons of warm water and olive oil in a small bowl and let it stand for 5 minutes.

While your yeast dissolves, prepare your large mixing bowl with the flour and salt. Combine these two ingredients together and form a well as shown in the photo for the yeast mixture.

Next, pour your yeast mixture into the flour/salt well, and add your 1/2 cup of warm water and mix everything together until the mixture turns into a moderately stiff dough. If needed, add a small bit of warm water at at time until you achieve a nicely shaped dough ball. It's also best to use your hands, like I did (not like in my photo, haha!).

Now we let the dough stand in the bowl for about 15 minutes. I covered mine with a paper towel. And then when it's time:

See how much bigger it is now? :) After kneading the dough on a lightly floured surface about 5-8 times, you're ready to make your pizza! (You don't want to knead the dough too much though because kneading brings out gluten and it'll make your crust hard.) You can use this recipe and use your own toppings too :)

Now for the Mediterrenean toppings - and you can use as much or as little of these as you like:-shredded mozzerella cheese This yummy cheese has many vitamins and other great
benefits that are good for your body; it's also a good source of calcium.
-feta cheese Not only does this cheese make this pizza taste yummy, but it is also full of calcuim as well as vitamin B12 and protein. Don't go overboard with it though; some feta cheese can be high in saturated fat.
-black olives There are many varieties of olives, but nonetheless, they are a great source of iron, vitamin E and other great health benefits.
-artichoke hearts I know they have a weird texture to them, but they have fiber, vitamin C and potassium - all of them are good for your body :)
-tomatoes I absoutely love tomatoes because not only are the delicious and versitile in many recipes, but they are a great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and lycopene (an antioxidant that helps fight back cancer and other diseases!)
-garlic Now, I know some people don't like the taste of garlic itself or may be allergic to it, but it does enhance the flavor of the pizza in this recipe. If you don't like the harshness of garlic, you can substitiute it for garlic powder instead. ...but also did you know that garlic also contains anti-oxidant properties that help you regulate your blood circulation? Think of products out there for the heart such as Garlique. :)

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F. On a lightly floured surface again, roll out your dough until it's nice and flat. (The thinner it is, the crispier, but since I like it fluffy, I didn't roll out mine as much.) Take an olive oil/canola spray and spray a light layer of oil onto a baking sheet; transfer your dough to the baking sheet. Spread a light layer of olive oil on top, and add your toppings. I like to put a lot of tomato and olive on mine because I love their sweet and savory flavors.

Pop the pizza into the oven and bake for about 15 mintutes, or until your dough is golden and crisp.

And this is optional, but you can top it with fresh basil for a flavorful bite each time. :) ...but since the grocery store didn't have fresh basil last night, I substitued for Mrs. Dash's Italian Medley blend instead, and it's just as delicious. :) And you're done! Enjoy your yummy pizza :) I know I did...

Bon appetit,
~Reiko ☆*.

Edit! : My co-worker, Malica, suggested in mixing sour cream with garlic to cut down its harsh taste. I'm going to give that a try and put a new entry with the results. Thanks Malica! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

☆Stealing's Not Nice! T_T ☆

Brrrrrrr~! Why on earth is it so cold in my room? As you can see, I've wrapped myself around in my favorite fuzzy blue blanket to keep myself warm... I even had myself a cup of green tea a little while ago, so why am I cold now? ...oh well, it's something I'm going to have to deal with for a little bit. =/

...but then again, even though I am rather tired from working very hard today, I'm actually feeling pretty good. (Okay, confession: my feet hurt from running around a bit too much... ;-; ) How was everyone's day? Good, I hope! :)

Noticed what I put in my title for this entry? Yes, I'm going to talk about stealing for a bit.

Okay, admit it: we've all done it. Sometimes on purpose or sometimes when we don't truly realize it (an accident). Not only is it a sin, but generally - stealing is unfair; unfair for the person doing the act, but also unfair for the person (or people) who may have put in a lot of time, effort, and perhaps monetary or sentimental value for the item being lost.

During "show time" at work earlier today, one of my co-workers brought up something that concerns all of us: apparently there have been some stealing incidents occuring recently, from taking food to stealing a change of clothes. There are very few lockers in the facility for many of us, the employees, to store belongings, so the only place that we can really place our coats, etc. is on the hangers provided in our departments. I'm really glad someone actually did say something about this because I have been affected too: I did have some food leftover from lunch that had gotten stolen a few nights ago; even if they were with my jacket and purse (and even had my name written on there), someone greedy and dishonest took that from me. Now, I'm very thankful that nothing from my purse was stolen, but still... The fact that someone took something that wasn't theirs is quite upsetting.

I thought about this during lunch today, and the biggest thing that came to mind is that... Well, we are currently going through tough times in this economy, and... in the minds of many, desperate times mean desperate measures... But even so, why steal? Stealing is just going to put yourself into more trouble. Why the risk? If you are that desperate for something, how about trying to ask for help? There are many people and organizations out there that can help those in trouble. After all, better to do that and relieve stress and worry than to take risks and getting yourself in trouble. Or even worse, have them steal back from you... but twice as bad. It's called karma, guys. ...I'm just saying.

Overall, stealing is a very selfish act, and sometimes I shake my head trying to figure out why people do it. If you don't like people stealing from you, why still do it?

Well, let me know what you guys think about this. I'm open to any responses, even trolling, so speak out!

So guys and girls, as far as stealing goes... Don't do it! And besides, you have better things to do than to steal things like... underwear or something (I dunno, you guys, I'm just saying!). Live your life with honesty, be generous when you can, and never be afraid to ask for help. Who knows, you may be able to get what you want and/or need and both sides can benefit for the better :)

Let's make this a better place for everyone, okay? :)

Much love,
~Reiko ☆*.

[Currently listening to: "Cave In" - Owl City]

Monday, January 4, 2010

☆ A little bit about my job! :) ☆

Hey, all you beautiful people :) How's everyone doing? I hope you had a great day today. I know I did! :) *thumbs up!*

Okay, now for the topic of the day...

Well, let's talk about... Working with the elderly.

...I know, you're probably raising your eyebrow and thinking, "...okay, what the hell?" Allow me to explain:

I may have mentioned this in one of my past entries, but in case I didn't, I work in a retirement home where I serve food and make beverages for the residents who live there (cuz I'm a bartender!). It was my very first job at 16, and I will admit... Out of all the jobs I've worked thus far, this one's my favorite. I wanted to work with people as well as food, so waitressing was naturally my first choice of work at the time. My mom, who happens to work at the same place as I do (but as a housekeeper), was the one who referred me to this facility, and said that this is a great place to start. I've grown to love working in this place, and today, I want to share my experiences and some advice if you happen to work or live with the elderly. (This goes to any of my co-workers who happen to be reading this entry too!)

At first it was not as easy as I thought it would be. It really does take a lot of patience and understanding in a job like this. Here are the top 4 things to remember when working or living with the elderly:

-Be their guiding eyes. As we age, our senses - sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch - grow weak, and it's frustrating when we are unable to use one or more of them. Many of the residents that I serve have can't hear or see very well, so it's very important to help them out and become part of their senses too. What exactly do I mean by that? If they can't see very well, guide them with words and gestures. If they can't hear very well and need things repeated to them, don't get frustrated! Believe me, it has taken me a very long time to be able to accomplish this, and even though there are times when I do get a little frustrated, I think of it like this: One of these days, I'll be like that too - how well would I like to be treated?

-We can be forgetful too. Parts of our memory deteriorate over time as well, and I understand what it's like to not be able to remember certain things during a short or long period of time. For example, if a resident initially orders a hamburger, you order it and then when you serve it to them, they say that they didn't order that ("I asked for a sandwich, not this.")? Stay calm, and put out reminders for them. Sometimes they'll forget what happened just a moment ago, and a reminder does help sometimes.

-Respect your elders! I'm serious about this one, you guys, because... It's true! A lot of the residents whom I see when I work there are very old-fashioned, and even if generations do clash from time to time, you still have to treat them with dignity and respect. "Yes sir, no sir" and "Yes ma'am, no ma'am" apply to this, as well as saying "Thank you" and "You're welcome". You'd be surprised with how many of them really do appreciate things like this. And did I mention to also smile? :)

-And lastly, my personal favorite: Listen to them! I'm not just talking about the things I mentioned a bit earlier, but listening to them as in... getting to know them as people. Sometimes it's hard to be able to have a good conversation with them, especially in the department I'm in. At first, there were so many residents that I served that I could only recognize them by their faces, but very few by name. Since my transfer to the newly constructed bar, I got to meet some new and old faces and over time, I learned a lot of people by name, a bit of their history and even got to meet some of their family members and friends who come to visit them. I've come to have a deeper relationship and appreciation for the residents whom I serve there over the years, and that's what makes my job very enjoyable.

I hope some of you, if not all, got something out of this because, again, we ALL, whether we like it or not, grow old. One day, you too will be walking around in a walker and can barely see or hear. Tell me... How would you want to be treated?

Believe me, patience is virtue.

All right, well, time for me to wrap this up. I've got a busy work schedule ahead of me and I need to get me some rest for it! Until then, everyone, be well! ...and did I forget to mention... SMILE! :)

Much love,
~Reiko xoxo <3

Saturday, January 2, 2010

☆Reiko's Resolutions for 2010 :)☆

(Oh, hi! Looks like you caught me taking a sip of my orange/vanilla milk tea :) It's really chilly in my room and I needed something to warm me up. It's great stuff, by the way ☆)

Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe that another year has already come and gone? I know I can't. However, a new year means a fresh start, and another chance for us to do the things that we've been meaning and/or wanting to do. Hence the topic for today's entry... New Year resolutions!

Everyone's got one or more (and even if you say you don't, I know you do!). However, how many of us have actually followed through? I'm not afraid to admit that I've done it too. Yes, I'll do great a few days or a couple of weeks after I start. And then... Well, you know how it goes. Some factors contribute to this; my excuses were school, work and many other things that are going on with me in real life. The biggest factor, however, is that I tend to make goals that are very un-realistic. I'm sure a lot of you have done that too (hey, we're not perfect). It's always best to set goals that suit best for you because if you push yourself over your limit, you'll just mess yourself up. Easier said than done, yes. However, you have to believe in yourself when doing this and by the end of this year, you'll be feeling great about yourself and improve your lifestyle. :)

I'm going for the goal too! So, without further ado, here's my list of resolutions for 2010:

1. Controlling my food intake and drink more tea/water.

For those who know me very well, you'd know that I can eat... a lot. Whenever a co-worker or a friend asks me how I keep my figure while eating that much during my lunch break (example: 1 plateful of meat and a side or two, 1 small bowl of soup, 1 large drink of iced tea, and 1 small dessert), I'm not exactly sure how to answer them. Sure, running around serving food to the elderly gets me going, but then again, it takes a toll to my body later on (such as higher BMI - body mass index - and gaining weight). My goal this year is to continue to eat the foods I like, but cut back. It's nice to feel full, but not too full to where you're feeling uncomfortable. I'm also going to make better choices in the foods that I eat (and I'm not talking about just eating salads either!). And finally, in addition to cutting back on sweets (one of my biggest food weaknesses), I'm going to cut back on drinks such as coffee and soft-drinks and subsititute it for tea - mostly green tea - and water. My mom who has been diagnosed with diabetes for more than a year now has done a great job in not drinking soft-drinks, and now I'm trying to do the same. I'll treat myself once in a while, but not as often as I used to. I used to hate drinking water, but it's not an option - your body needs it like oxygen, so I'm learning to hydrate my body and at the same time, keeping it clean from the inside out. I'm starting to drink more tea in the morning than coffee because not only is it lower in caffiene but also higher in anti-oxidants which is good for cleansing the body of impurities. Green tea is also very good, and as a bonus, it gives a boost to your metabolism. :)

2. Making the most of my day by getting up early.I'm thinking back to my high-school days - which feels like oh so long ago - where I had to get up at 5am, get myself ready for school, dash out the door at 6:30, and start class at 7:25. Thank goodness I don't do that anymore, but as I'm growing up, I'm realizing that there is so much to do in very little time. This year, I'm going to change that by giving more time to myself and start getting up early. This way, I'll be able to have more time to do the things I want to do, such as doing warm-up exercises, doing chores, reading... even blogging! There's a lot you can do in a day... Why not make the most out of it? :)

And speaking of exercising...

3. Do a few minutes of yoga every morning and hit the gym at least 3 days a week.

I know this may seem a bit un-realistic, but I'm very serious about this! After doing a few yoga exercises on the Wii Fit Plus for Nintendo Wii in the last couple of weeks, I find that it helps me in not only maintaining my center of balance, but lowering stress levels. I get physically stressed when I'm at work, and crashing after scarfing down dinner when I come home from work is not a very good way to ease body tension. During my early-bird hours, I'll warm-up my body with stretches and practice yoga poses. (I'm targeting my core-muscles and I want to tone my waist and upper arms!) There is a gym and a pool provided for both employees and residents of the retirement home where I work, and it's about time I started going. About 1 hour of excercise at the gym 3 times a week should do the trick even after a long day at work. At least it's better than to go to a separate gym, and there's no membership fee. My goal in the summer is to improve in my tennis skills - I haven't played seriously since high school, so I'm pretty rusty! >_<>

4. Read a little more each day.

I love to read - comic books, non-fiction, fiction, fantasy... Whatever I'm in the mood for! However, there are some times when I'm not motivated to do much of that anymore, but I'm changing that. I have a huge list of books that I want to read, and I know that slowly but surely I'll get to that. So even if it's just for a few minutes a day out of my busy schedule, I'm going to set some time to read a few pages of a book. Who knows, I may end up writing about it here on this blog! I know that when I'm finished reading "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold, I'll be writing about it. :)

5. Organize, organize, organize!

I've heard from many sources time and time again that "everything has its place". I've been a pretty unorganized person for a long time, and having this kind of lifestyle just adds even more to my stress! In the past week, I've done some rearranging and discarding, and I'm slowly feeling much better about myself. I intend to keep it that way. All of my books and belongings have their own place, whether they be on a shelf, in a folder, or written down in a book. I bought a book to help me write down my work schedule and other important dates. My keys and other personal belongings have their own place so that I won't be scrambling by the time I head out the door for work.

6. As much as possible, try out something new each day.

The food in the picture above looks pretty tasty, doesn't it? Wouldn't it be even better if you were the one making it yourself? If you've read my introduction, I mentioned that I love to cook! In order for me to improve myself as a cook (as well as preparing myself for culinary school in the future!), I want to be able to try something different as my physical abilities (and my money) will allow. I have some recipe books that are collecting dust on the shelves in the living room and I've yet to try a lot of them. I'll post my culinary adventures when I find something interesting and yummy comes to mind. Along with pursuing culinary endeavors, I have other artistic ones as well. I'm an artist: I love to draw, from anime to still-life drawings; I'm a cosplayer (though beginner level) but I'm improving in sewing and crafting props; I also like to knit and crochet.
I enjoy going outdoors too, whether it'd be going into the city, a park, the beach, or even escaping to the mountains. I like to explore new places, such as hole-in-the-wall stores because even in the biggest places, there is one even smaller that can be of bigger interest. I've yet to do that for this year, and I hope to find some interesting places to go. You'll see my adventures here too, so be sure to tune in on my latest finds! Life's an adventure, so make the best of it!

...overall, this is a pretty good list of resolutions for this year, but the best way that I can really sum it up is... Well, live this year to the fullest...and with a smile! I've decided that this year will be of self-improvement, reconcile, achievement and love :) You could say that the ultimate goal is to start and end the year with a great attitude!

But enough about me, you guys - I wanna hear from all of YOU! What are your New Year resolutions? Leave me a comment and let me know! :)

And one last thing: As I said, working on your resolutions and following through may be easier said than done, but it's important for you to remember that you can do it. Success comes in cans, not can'ts! I'm going through the same thing, so you are not alone!

Thanks for putting up my somewhat long entry, but until next time, here's to you, your health, and a great 2010!


~Reiko ☆*.

[Currently listening to: "Fireflies" by Owl City]