Monday, December 28, 2009

☆Whoa, first post! :Dv ☆

Hi, everyone - Reiko here :D ☆

I can't believe I'm writing my first post! This is pretty exciting :D

Well, to begin, I'd like to take the time to introduce myself, why and how I came up with this blog, and conclude with my first... well, film review! Let's get started :)

Who's this cute girl in the picture above? ...oh, wait. That's me!

Let's see, currently I'm a college student and I'm...actually taking a little break from school to find myself. Although I'm majoring in Business Administration, my passion has always been linked to food. I've believed for a very long time that food is what brings people together - not only does food nourish the body, but it also nourishes the soul and the heart. There are so many recipes from many cultures and backgrounds, and once they are shared with many others... Simply put, I believe we're all connected by food! So not only do I like to make food as well as eating them, I'm passionate in talking about food. :)

...sadly no, I'm actually not studying Culinary Arts at the moment; I'm almost finished in my Business Administration major. I guess you could say that I opted for the Business major to please the expectations of my parents, but recently I've come to realize that I don't want to put my culinary dream to the backburner - I want to pursue it. I like to make new creations at home, and I'm willing to learn new recipes too. Yes, Food Network is one of my favorite television channels ("Good Eats" is my show!) In this blog, I'll also share some of my favorite recipes for you all to try in your own kitchens too! :) I do want to go to culinary school one day, and it will take a lot of work to get there. Until then, I'm going to do my best and work hard! :)

Aside from cooking, I have many hobbies too. I love crafting, especially when it comes to knitting and crocheting (I spend more time knitting though). Mom taught me the basics of knitting and crocheting, but just as she learned how to crochet advanced crafts by herself, I'm doing the same thing with knitting. I'm still new to it too, but when I come up with a pattern, I'd be more than happy to share them with you all too. :) I also like to listen to various genres of music: rock, pop, a little country here and there, and even some music from different countries such as Japan and Korea. I love to play video games, such as Dance Dance Revolution and Final Fantasy. (By the way, I have the same birthday as Squall Leonhart!) In addition to being a fan of video games, I like to watch anime and cosplay. :) ...well, I've only cosplayed a couple of times, but nevertheless, cosplaying is fun! And since I am a girl, I'm discovering and enjoying the art of make-up; I'm no expert, but I do enjoy experiments even if my face ends up looking like a clown. :)

And for a couple of extra notes, I also like going on to the computer browsing the web and... shopping! :) Especially for clothes and... food!

Okay, okay, enough about food, but anyway, I'm just a girl who lives life to the fullest, through good and bad days. Simply being me, simply... Reiko! :)v

I'll post more about myself in the future, but for right now, I'd like to briefly talk about how and why I came up with this blog:

For a long time, I've been a very shy person, and even now I'm slowly coming out of my shell. Recently I've come to realize how much I enjoying talking to people, and I wanted to explore and take things up to the next level. I enjoy going to YouTube daily for the latest videos, especially in the How-to and Style section. My favorite gurus are Michelle Phan and Bubbi (bubzbeauty); they are actually my inspirations to creating this blog - they are confident and beautiful young women who put themselves out there and their messages have reached out to other young women... and they eventually got to me too. Being able to express yourself builds confidence. If others can, why can't I? I'm not to the level of putting videos of my own just yet, but by starting this blog, I think this is a great start. I'll talk about food, crafts, cool finds, and even some advice dealing with life based on my experiences; I hope that by sharing pieces of me with you that you too can build and share your own confidence and happiness with others. :)

Finally, I want to share with you guys a quick review of a very interesting clip that I watched last night. Just for clarity, I'm not gonna be bashing the films I talk about or critique to the grainiest detail because... that's just not my style. I just want to briefly talk about it. Here's a preview from YouTube for Discovery Channel's documentary "Somali Pirate Takedown - The Real Story":

I came across this when a co-worker of mine mentioned that he saw this documentary recently. And the coolest part? Another co-worker of ours just so happens to be an actor who acted as one of the Somali pirates! How cool is that? :D ...but I'm not here to talk about my actor friend (who did a great job, by the way), rather the film. It's about the hijacking of the Maersk Alabama and what the crew did to save the captain and their ship. Watching this documentary last night was actually very interesting and thrilling, even sent a chill down my spine. I can't even imagine how frightening and exhausting this attack may have been, but unfortunately pirate attacks still occur; not just in the seas near Somalia, but in many various oceans in the world. I give props to the military branches who risk their lives in attacks like this, even if they help reduce pirating to some amount. Unfortunately, I'm crunching for time here, but the best thing I can say is to please check this documentary out (my actor friend lent me a copy of his DVD). If you do watch it, or if you already have watched it, let me know what you think in the comment section! :) Personally, I found it educating and I'm glad that there are documentary videos out there that take and show us to lots of things that we may not know about. (^ ^)

Well, that's all for right now. Stay tuned for more fun updates! Have a wonderful day, and whether you have a good or bad day, always remember that you are a wonderful, loved person and keep smiling!

~Reiko ☆*.