Brrrrrrr~! Why on earth is it so cold in my room? As you can see, I've wrapped myself around in my favorite fuzzy blue blanket to keep myself warm... I even had myself a cup of green tea a little while ago, so why am I cold now? ...oh well, it's something I'm going to have to deal with for a little bit. =/
...but then again, even though I am rather tired from working very hard today, I'm actually feeling pretty good. (Okay, confession: my feet hurt from running around a bit too much... ;-; ) How was everyone's day? Good, I hope! :)
Noticed what I put in my title for this entry? Yes, I'm going to talk about stealing for a bit.
Okay, admit it: we've all done it. Sometimes on purpose or sometimes when we don't truly realize it (an accident). Not only is it a sin, but generally - stealing is unfair; unfair for the person doing the act, but also unfair for the person (or people) who may have put in a lot of time, effort, and perhaps monetary or sentimental value for the item being lost.
During "show time" at work earlier today, one of my co-workers brought up something that concerns all of us: apparently there have been some stealing incidents occuring recently, from taking food to stealing a change of clothes. There are very few lockers in the facility for many of us, the employees, to store belongings, so the only place that we can really place our coats, etc. is on the hangers provided in our departments. I'm really glad someone actually did say something about this because I have been affected too: I did have some food leftover from lunch that had gotten stolen a few nights ago; even if they were with my jacket and purse (and even had my name written on there), someone greedy and dishonest took that from me. Now, I'm very thankful that nothing from my purse was stolen, but still... The fact that someone took something that wasn't theirs is quite upsetting.
I thought about this during lunch today, and the biggest thing that came to mind is that... Well, we are currently going through tough times in this economy, and... in the minds of many, desperate times mean desperate measures... But even so, why steal? Stealing is just going to put yourself into more trouble. Why the risk? If you are that desperate for something, how about trying to ask for help? There are many people and organizations out there that can help those in trouble. After all, better to do that and relieve stress and worry than to take risks and getting yourself in trouble. Or even worse, have them steal back from you... but twice as bad. It's called karma, guys. ...I'm just saying.
Overall, stealing is a very selfish act, and sometimes I shake my head trying to figure out why people do it. If you don't like people stealing from you, why still do it?
Well, let me know what you guys think about this. I'm open to any responses, even trolling, so speak out!
So guys and girls, as far as stealing goes... Don't do it! And besides, you have better things to do than to steal things like... underwear or something (I dunno, you guys, I'm just saying!). Live your life with honesty, be generous when you can, and never be afraid to ask for help. Who knows, you may be able to get what you want and/or need and both sides can benefit for the better :)
Let's make this a better place for everyone, okay? :)
Much love,
~Reiko ☆*.
[Currently listening to: "Cave In" - Owl City]
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