...holy crow, I haven't updated all week! How is everyone doing? Can you believe another week has already come and gone? I need to get myself back into the game-mode, don't I?
So... I've kept in touch with Taylor, my boyfriend, in the last week - unfortunately for him, he caught the flu the day after we last saw each other, and he's been at home trying really hard to rest so he can get better. I talked to him via Skype last night and he says that he's feeling better. That's great, isn't it? :) Better to be better than not! ☆
Speaking of getting better... What are your remedies for getting back on your feet after getting sick? Mine have always been lots of hot tea with honey and/or lemon, sleep, and...
...chicken noodle soup?
That's right, I'm talking about chicken noodle soup today! No, not the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, although I do own 2 of the first Teenage Soul books myself and they're overall very good books! I'm talking about the real deal here! ☆
We all get sick, and for a long time, one of the most popular remedies for getting better is to have a nice steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup. I haven't gotten sick this year...yet, and whether I do get sick or not, this simple soup is not only delicious and easy to make, but it really is "good for the soul" as well as the body. How? Well, the answer is in the essential ingredients in the pot (and for the record, I'm not a nutritionist - I'm just a normal girl just interested in food and their benefits; and yes, I have done my research from various soures!):

Chicken - Now, it wouldn't be chicken noodle soup without the chicken, now would it? Well, not only does chicken give flavor to the soup, but when cooked, chicken releases an amino acid cysteine and it helps loosen the mucous in the lungs and makes it easier to cough out.
Onion - I know quite a bit of people who don't like onion, but onion not only adds to the flavor of the soup, but the oils that give the onions their strong pungent flavor is also rich in antioxidants. In addition, they also contain antihistamine and anti-flammatory properties.
Garlic - Now, I mentioned this ingredient in my Greek pizza tutorial a little while ago, so if you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do (and you'll be thanking me for your next idea for your lunch or dinner!). In addition to what I said, did you also know that garlic can help boost your immune system and help fight bacterial and viral infections?
Ginger - I know some of you are raising your eyebrow and asking yourself, "...ginger?" Yes, ginger! For some, it may be an unusual ingredient for this soup, but I use it when I make mine. Not only is ginger a spice, but it is also beneficial to your immune system and soothing sore throat, as well as fighting off infection.
Carrots - And lastly, carrots and celery, which makes the soup complete. Not only is it strong in beta-carotine but when it is converted to vitamin A, it acts as a booster for the white blood cells in your body to help fight off infection.
One more thing! The steam and the heat of the soup helps to loosen and soothe your nose and throat when it gets clogged and/or sore. It helps for a short amount of time, but better to have that time than to not have any relief at all!
I'll be sharing my chicken noodle soup tutorial next week when my pay-check comes in, so be sure to turn in for that. You can share this recipe for when you or a loved one gets sick, or whenever you just want that yummy bowl of soup!
Well, I'm off to get ready for the day, but I encourage you all to be and stay well, even during this season since we're vulnerable to get sick. Have a great day, and I'll be back again soon!
Much wellness to you all:
~Reiko ☆*.
Thanks, I just recovered from... something... the doctors wouldn't come near me, they just prescribed Tamiflu and told me to get lost. Anyway, I'll remember this for next time.
Thanks, Griever :) I'm glad you're feeling better from... whatever you had :) If you are interested in my recipe tutorial next week, I invite you to come back and check it out :) Be well! xoxo
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