[Currently listening to Late Night Alumni's "Of Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Etc." album in random, starting with "Light Reading"]
This morning, as I was working on my Old Testament homework and realizing that I haven't washed my face yet, I also realized that I was in dire need of exfoliating the skin peeling off from my face. See?

I had to do something about it - it couldn't wait. And before I even started to fix this problem, I had an idea:
write a blog entry about it.
Originally, I'd never thought I'd be doing beauty tutorials here on my blog... But
why not? I'm still new to this so a bit of support would help along the way! :Dv
This is a simple, inexpensive and effective way to exfoliate the skin on your face: using your facial cleanser, a gentle soap like Dial or Dove and ...
a toothbrush.

NO, not using the one you actually use on your teeth, sillies. (That's just gross!) Use an extra toothbrush that you can use to exfoliate your face! Choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles that are also effective in peeling away dead skin, excess oils and dirt from your face. In the end, this should make your face not only free from the dirt and oils, but feeling fresh and radiant. It can also help reduce the appearance of blackheads too. So, if you're ready for a clean face, let's get started!
(Note: The products that I'm using for this tutorial are Clean&Clear Morning Burst Facial Cleanser with accompanying oil-free moisturizer; and my travel-size toothbrush, a gift from mom. I suggest that you choose facial products that work best with
your skin!)

After pulling my hair back away from my face (...okay, not really.), I splash my face with
cold water. I know some of you might cringe at the thought of doing so, but this helps to awaken your face and helps the blood flow in the face area. Splash water on your face for about 10-15 seconds. After that, I take a
gentle, moisturizing soap (I used Dial here) and lather it all over the face.

Then, taking your
toothbrush, let the bristles rest lightly and gently on the face; using
light, gentle circular motions, begin exfoliating your face (you may need to look in the mirror for this). Let the bristles do the work, and just let your hand guide the way. You may be able to see the dead skin being scrubbed away. (I know it's gross, but cool at the same time!)

After exfoliating the face, rinse throughly with
warm water to get all the soap and other "stuff" off. But don't dry your face just yet! Next, I take some of the
Morning Burst facial cleanser and apply it all over my face, using
circular motions on my fingertips - this will help to apply the cleanser to all areas of the face. Don't forget problem areas where acne and pimples are more likely to occur. Do this for about 60 seconds. After that, rinse your face with
warm water, removing all of the cleanser, and
pat your face dry with a towel. Your face should feel refreshed and awake at this point.

Don't forget to moisturize your face! While exfoliating, you not only opened up the pores to clean the dirt but also stripped away the
natural moisture in your skin in the process. Bring the moisture back by adding
moisturizer - best if it's
oil-free so it does not clog your pores.

If you notice redness or irritation on your skin, it's more than likely that you weren't being gentle enough while exfoliating - softer is better! Or, if this doesn't work well for you,
facial scrubs may be a better option for you, such as
St. Ives Apricot Scrub. (I have
Premier's Exfoliating & Cleansing Facial Gel - it's more on the expensive side but I got it from a friend!) Using a toothbrush can be effective, but I don't recommend using harsh materials such as exfoliating gloves - you don't want to roughen up your beautiful face!I recommend exfoliating your face at least
1-2 times a week, best done at night before going to bed
; the skin needs to not only breathe but be given time to regenerate and bring out what we like to have: clearer, cleaner skin.
Beauty really is
skin deep.

Try this out and let me know what you think! Here's to a brighter face and a happier you!
Much happiness and love,

~Reiko ☆*
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