Hi everyone :) I hope you had a good day, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to make a blog post as I orignally planned for yesterday because I was very busy getting some homework done for my online classes. Ever done all-nighers? Regretfully, I've done it too; sure I got a lot of things done, and yes, I know it's not a healthy thing to do, especially for my body. ...but you know what, guys? I'm breaking the habit, starting now. From now on, I'm not doing that again for my assignments. Ever. Time for a readjustment in my schedule and routine for a little bit, but at least I'm taking the baby steps to get me there. :)

I'd like to share with you all a little bit of my experiences with crocheting and knitting, so please sit back and read on! :)
I learned the basics of crocheting from my mom when I was in middle school. My mom taught herself how to crochet during her younger years and growing up, I learned to appreciate the art of crocheting through the lace doilies she made. The way the lace looped and intertwined within itself was fascinating, and I couldn't help thinking, "My mom made something like this?" When I was in sixth or seventh grade, my mom and I came up with a project: to take turns crocheting my blanket. I chose the colors and patterns, she got the yarn, and for each row of color, I learned a new stitch. I'm not sure how long it took us to finally finish it but long story short, it did take a long while and the blanket acutally ended up being very BIG. Big as in... you can fit 3 grown people in it very comfortably. Yeah, it was that BIG.
By eighth grade, Mom slowly taught herself how to knit, but I was reluctant to learn since it looked difficult and confusing. I continued to crochet here and there until I got to college, and I haven't done much crocheting until this past year. During my junior year, I asked my mom to teach me how to knit, and yes, I will admit that I was very confused and stubborn at first - it took me days to finally understand how to cast-on on my own (no help of books or even the Internet at the time either!). Eventually, through the help of online videos and forums, I have advanced in knitting techniques and have made blankets and scarves for myself and my friends.
I have been crocheting for many years and am still branching out with knitting, but overall I enjoy yarnwork with either technique because each completed project is unique - you put your time, effort and your heart into making it so with each item made, a part of you will remain in it. It's also a very relaxing activity; I use it as a method for clearing out thoughts or even daydreaming - sometimes I'll visualize the future image of my project and think, "I can't wait to give this to so-and-so" or "I can't wait for my very own so-and-so" (if I don't feel like buying new clothes, lol!). What I like most about doing this is that it's not only a personal activity but a social one as well. In my last year in my home college, I joined the knitting and crocheting club and I got to meet a lot of young women who shared the same interest as me; I even received a lot of advice from advanced knitters within the group, and thanks to them, I've become more confident in my yarnwork skills.
So girls and guys - yes, guys can do it too! - I encourage you all to try out something new, especially knitting and/or crocheting because it really is fun. It really does take a lot of time, patience and concentration to learn and make new crafts, but in time they can be done. If you get yourself caught in a slump, don't give up! Remember that success comes in cans, not can'ts, so ask for help if you need it and don't stop until it's done! (...yes, you can have breaks in between - I didn't mean it like that lol!) If you'd like to seek help, I'd be more than happy to share my advice personally through my blog, so I hope you'll stay tuned! :)
Okay, everyone, I need to get to bed soon, so I wish you all sweet dreams :) And speaking of sweet, I'll be buying the ingredients to my chicken noodle soup tutorial and my secret sweet tutorial for my boyfriend, Taylor, for our anniversary (1.5 years!). The full tutorial is scheduled to be up on Saturday night. :)
Until next time,
With love ~Reiko ☆*.
i'm not that into crafts, but i enjoyed this post nonetheless. are there pics of this blanket of yours? i'm curious to see it because it sounds pretty interesting! also, congrats to you and taylor :D
Thanks! :) I still have that blanket - I'll have to post pictures of that one soon :)
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