Thursday, July 1, 2010

♠ Launching New Blog Soon :) ♠

[Listening to disc 3 of Fruits Basket anime at the moment :) ]

Hey, everyone :) I hope you're having a good day so far - I know I am :)

Remember Taylor? :D He turns 24 today :) Yay!!

Just thought I'd put a funny picture of him for starters ^-^;; (Tay, if you're reading this... xoxo!)

Sadly, he and I are working today, but we will celebrate tomorrow since he has half the day off and I'm off all day :D We plan on having an early dinner, go see Last Airbender, just have ourselves a good day :)

But can you guys believe we're already 7 months into the year? Like... Where has all that time gone, you know?? I don't know about you guys, but through the good days AND the bad, I'm enjoying each day to the fullest and I'm learning a lot along the way. I hope you all are doing the same. :)

I've decided that for my future entries for my recipes, I'm going to create a separate blog, and keep this blog for random happenings of my everyday life :) I think that's a pretty good idea so that I can keep them organized better, so in the next few days I'll let you guys know when I launch the blog site. :)

Again, I'm crunching on time, but I thought I'd write to you guys for a little bit; not to mention that this laptop that I'm writing to you all with is the only working computer in the house - the computer that I currently have in my room has something wrong with it (I think some spyware worked it's way into the computer and now I can no longer browse the Internet...). I will only have limited time and access to you all here but I will update when I can :)

Until next post, you all have a great day! :D And to celebrate Taylor's birthday, and his love for ocean things, here's a picture of me when we went to the aquarium in May:

With love,

~Reiko xoxo

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