Good morning again everyone - can you believe it's already almost the weekend? I can't -- and I have a full day off tomorrow, so I'm really excited :) Not sure what I'll do just yet, but I do know that I do need to get some things together for myself first before doing anything else.
Just wanted to put a quick entry before I go to work today. Mainly because it's been a busy and stressful past couple of days, and I miss writing to you all... xoxo
School is what's been bothering me in the last couple of days... At the moment, I'm considering paving a new path in my plans and finally pursue my dream major: culinary arts. And I think I will. I'll explain more with you all later on tonight - there's much more that I want to say, but there's so little time for me to do so...
I went with my good co-worker and friend Justin to see Step Up 3D last night - it was very, very good! Perhaps I didn't mention it in my previous blogs, but I do like dancing! I may not be very good at it, but certainly do enjoy watching dance routines. Movies like Step Up and watching shows such as America's Best Dance Crew actually do excite me, and I'm always looking forward to watching new dance routines. One day I might actually try it out, who knows... But anyway! Step Up rocked -- go see it if you haven't yet!
Another thing that helped me keep mind off of things was looking at one of the games that had been collecting dust on my shelf. I had bought Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time - remember I wrote about this in an older entry? Well, I finally got to take a look at it last night and it's actually a really cute and fun game. :) I'll have to find a little more time to try and play it when I'm free. That's what I enjoy the most when playing fantasy games - it takes you to a kind of faraway place where you can not be "you" for a while, and slip into the shoes of another. The downside of this is that sometimes we are tempted to get sucked into the game that we're unaware of how much time is spent while we're in fantasy mode. However, it is nice to somehow get away from it all just for a little while right? :)
It's just like what the lyrics from Jordin Sparks' "One Step at at Time" say:
One step at a time, there's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly or falling in love
It's gonna happen and it's supposed to happen
That we find the reasons why one step at a time
Time for me to get ready for work guys, but I can't wait to write to you all again tonight. :)
Have a beautiful day and even if there are times when there are things that will make you frown, turn it upside down because, in the end... everything will be okay. It sounds corny, true, but you know it's true :)
You hold the key to your happiness...
Keep smiling,
Reiko xoxo
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