Hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far :) I certainly am; I'm getting a lot of things done and out of the way - I'm definitely accomplishing things! :D
By the way, I think my Internet connection is finally behaving... It's been acting a little weird in the last couple of days, which is why I have a bit of lack in Tweets and posts so... Sorry about that everyone :( I really don't know what the problem is with it, but what matters now is that it's fixed.
I bet you missed me. :)To make up for it, I'm not planning on going to bed for a while, so tonight I'm going to write a big post just for you! :) Yay~!
Lately I've been doing a lot of cleaning up here in my room. I have the tendency to want a lot of things, but since I currently keep my personal belongings in a very small bedroom (and living on a very limited budget), there's not much that I can really have. Part of the reason is that I hoard some things I don't really use much of anymore. I've already had a lot of things set aside to sell, but I haven't gotten around to them because I've been so busy working (and not to mention that I forget that they've been stored in boxes in the sunroom the last few months... =___= ) A couple of days ago, I've decided that it's about time I start getting a move on getting them out of here. It's fair deal: I can lighten my load and give my things to others out there who would be more than happy to have them. :)
Soon I will be opening up my garage sale blog here on Blogger; I've already got one set up, but I've yet to put posts of my stuff to sell. I'll announce it here on the main blog as well as Twitter and other social sites. For now, the site is here: xsimplyreikosstuffx.blogspot.com The stuff that I will be selling includes mostly manga, some music CDs, anime DVDs and a couple of iPods :)
In addition to selling some of my collectables, I decided that it's time I got rid of the textbooks that had been stacked up underneath my sewing machine table. Some of them are those I saved from when I was at my main college; some upperclassmen advised me that it would be a good idea to keep a few textbooks in relation to your major and/or minor so that you have something to reference from in the future (such as ideas for writing your thesis, etc.). Most of the texts I have/had are in relation to my Business major, and a couple of books for my Asian Studies minor. They are really good books, but I feel that they could be used for something or someone much better. And so in the last week, I went on various textbook sellback websites to find the best quotes for my books and I will be getting quite a bit back :) Yay for money!
On the topic of school, let me get back to where I was in my last entry:
School has been bothering me for nearly a week now... As it turns out, I will have to change my major... Completely. As I said earlier, my current course of study is Business Administration with a minor in Asian Studies. I'm almost done... but as it turns out I won't be able to finish my major after all.
I needed to complete a couple of electives and an Accounting course in order to graduate, but my biggest problem is ACCOUNTING. Now I know some of you guys are going to laugh a little bit and say, "...Reiko, how can that be? You're ASIAN, and with glasses - aren't you supposed to be smart and good in math?" Admittedly I'm laughing a little bit on the inside too, but seriously guys - I'm very good in math (algebra, trigonometry, a bit of calculus - you get it!), but... I simply can't grasp accounting! It shows in my transcripts at my main college and at the community college that I'm attending and it's one of the biggest requirements for my Business major. I barely passed first level of accounting a couple of years ago, and I've slipped my grades in the last couple of semesters... It's very discouraging to say the least. =/
On Tuesday, I made an appointment to meet with the Dean of Students at the community college to figure out my options, and she suggested that it would be best for me to change my major. The idea of doing that floored me at first. I'm almost finished - I've come so far and I just needed a couple of classes to graduate. Now it's going to be further from my reach... What would my parents say to this? "4 years of going to your school and for what?" =___= At the same time, I thought that perhaps it really was time I considered changing my course of study. After all, while at my main college in Staunton, I never really did keep my options open other than being in Business Administration, and... I'm realizing more and more that I wasn't truly happy where I was. Yes, it is a practical degree to have especially with the current economy... but at the same time, this is not what I truly want.
After a few days and nights of thinking, I finally decided that it's time to pursue what I wanted most: Business Administration was not what I originally wanted to major but in Culinary Arts. This is where my passion is; it has stuck with me when I was younger and even while I was in my sophomore year in high school. I entered in a couple of culinary competitions back then, and in my spare time I love cooking and learning about food. It's been right in front of me all along - and now it's my time to take hold of it. My parents didn't want me to go to the college I wanted to go to - Johnson and Wales University in Charlotte, North Carolina - mainly because it was far from home with no one to rely on if something happened to me. That and they were worried that this course of study wasn't going to get me anywhere. I understood their concerns for me, but they need to understand that this is what I truly want.
I will speaking to the Dean of Students again very soon about this. I'm sure she will be able to help me with the process. By next year, I will be well on my way with that. =)
Just one step at a time...
I guess it will seem pretty corny saying this, but I felt inspired after watching Step Up 3D and Scott Pilgrim VS The World (which has been added to my movie replay list if I get a chance to watch it again!). If there is something that you really want, even if it seems like it is out of your reach, by all means GO AND FIGHT FOR IT. Don't let anyone or anything hold you back from achieving your dreams because they don't belong to anyone but YOU. You know yourself best and you know what you want - keep going. The only reason that you will feel as though you failed is if you don't do anything about it and let people walk onto you and your confidence. I'm sure there will be many hurdles along the way, but I'm still going to come right back up. =)
Now I'm wanting to watch Scott Pilgrim, lol! It's such a funny movie, so if you like funny movies and can relate to video games, music bands, and dreams, go see it! :D
...oh! My birthday's coming up in about a week! It's strange, but I don't feel as though I'm going to be turning 23. I'm still young, and I'm feeling it :) ...now that I think about it, when I turned 21, I was complaining that I'm getting old, lol! I still think that sometimes, but at the same time, I'm feeling very good about myself.
I have a day off next Saturday, and I'm planning a get-together with some friends and have an nice afternoon/evening on the shoreside :) I'll take my camera and record these wonderful memories to come. I just want a birthday that's not so crazy, but relaxing and enjoyable with a bunch a friends - catching up with each others' lives, laughing, being ourselves. =)
Speaking of my birthday... Remember I ordered another necklace from DSK Jewelry? :D It was waiting for me on the dinner table when I came home from swimming tonight!
The colors are so beautiful in person, I'm in love! I know this camera doesn't do much justice to show you guys how sparkly and beautiful it really is, but I'm sure you get the idea :) It looks so elegant in its beautiful black box!
Introducing... Strawberry Lemonade :)
Speaking of DSK Jewelry, the contest will come to a close very soon... I'm anxious to know who the winner of the contest is, but whether I get this or not, I'm so happy and proud to have participated in this :) Again, I've never done anything like this before and this whole experience is something that I will never ever forget. It really brought out a lot of confidence and had so much fun. So Steph, thank you for giving me and the other 43 girls a chance to be a part of your contest and thank you for the wonderful jewelry creations! You've been an inspiration to me and to many girls and guys out there in the world and I can't wait to see more of your work! Keep it up!
So guys and girls, go visit Steph's website if you're interested in her jewelry as something for your own, for a birthday present or a gift for your girlfriend -- tell her Reiko/Jenni(fer) sent you! Visit here at:
I have another piece that's on my wishlist that I hope I will get one day. If you're a fan of Twilight, I'm sure you'd understand :) Now, I'm not a big fan of the movies (except Eclipse perhaps, which looked so much better than the first 2 movies... but that's just my opinion), but I like the books better. Anyway, I'm for team Jacob, and if you're familiar with the bracelet Bella gets from him as a gift... Well, this is the one I want, made by Steph herself!

One day perhaps... *sigh* :)
Okay, well, sleep calls and my hands are beginning to hurt, so... I guess I will wrap it up for tonight :) Have beautiful dreams everyone, and one other thing I want to say before I go:
I want you to go to your window and look up at the sky. If it's cloudy where you are right now, do this the following night, but look up at the clear sky and make a wish upon the first star you see. Whatever it is that you wished for, one day it will come true so long as you continue to believe in yourself. :) It may seem a little silly, but it's true. You are a shining star! :D
Sweet dreams everyone...
With love,
~Reiko xoxo
^_~ Lots of love from Seattle, Virginia Beach! <3
Hey mama, Nikki had some trouble with accounting too so if you still want to try to finish your degree she might be able to help you. I'm just letting you know in case you wanted to pursue it. Personally I've always wanted to go to college but right now I'm happy being the stay at home mommy and I may never go to college. Pursue what makes you happy. Just make sure that the end is worth the means. =)
@ Steph - a big thanks to one of the coolest girlies out there! :D
@ Mal - Thanks, but the situation for my major and graduating is a very big deal, and I won't be able to take Accounting at all at this stage, which is why I'm going to pursue C.A. after all. Thanks for the thoughts and encouragement though :) I'm sure you'll find yourself back to school one day. After all, it's never too late to learn!
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