[Currently listening to おかえり by the lovely ayaka :) ]
I've missed you all ('-^)v ~♥
It has been a roller-coaster ride this past month, mainly because I've been so busy working, workin

After working a very busy long week, I finally have tomorrow for a day off! I've been looking forward to this since Monday, my last day off... (^-^;;) I've been running around so much that yesterday (our busiest day) I felt as though I walked a marathon! I've never worked myself so hard until this day, but tomorrow, I will be having some well-deserved rest! Yay!!
The weather here at Virginia Beach has been super crazy with all the RAIN!! Lately the weather's been lacking forecasts of rain, and in the last 3-4 days, we've received... well, RAIN! Lots of it! The day before yesterday there were delays and even cancellations for schools and other places because the rain just kept going! Sure, we've been long overdue for some rain, but... I didn't think we'd be getting this much... (-__-);; The good news is now we've had rain, and... Well, tomorrow will be a good break - it's supposed to be a beautiful day. (^-^)
There will be more rain on the way this coming week though... (O_o);;
In other news... @SleeplessFish, a.k.a. my boyfriend Taylor and I have been together for 2 years and 2 months this past Wednesday :) I've said it before and I'll say it again: it doesn't feel as though we've been together that long... But nothing better than to be in love with your best friend! (^-^)♥ We are able to see each other only once a week now that he's back in school - he is in his last semester at University of Mary Washington studying Political Science. I've given him plenty of space so that he can concentrate on his school work - from what I understand they are writing-intensive classes, and those take up a LOT of time and effort to do. It hasn't been easy waiting on my part, but I always look forward to the day when I do get to see him, even if it will only be for a few hours. I'm very proud of him though, and I'm going to cheer him on until he gets the diploma in his hands :) Let's all cheer for him too, okay??
So, it's October! That means Halloween is right around the corner! What is everyone doing for Halloween this year?? Last year I dressed up as a black cat for work, but this year I want to dress up in something that I know I want to put some effort in. It's been a long while since I last cosplayed so my costume this year will be from the anime "Kaichou wa Maid-sama" - Ayuzawa Misaki!
I'm also going to Nekocon this year! I told myself 2 years ago that I wouldn't be able to go to anime conventions anymore, but... Well, I miss seeing my friends, and I would love to go meet new friends too - so I'm making a comeback! The convention is November 5-7 this year, and I've already pre-registered! I plan to wear my completed cosplay at this convention, and I'm not sure if I will have time to make another one by then... We will see, won't we? :) I might be able to buy my materials tomorrow and get started soon!
Before I go, I want to share with you all something that I'm going to do soon: making videos for YouTube! I finally decided that I want to give video-editing and such a try! A few weeks ago, I experimented and made a video. I have it posted below - I hope you all will like it :)
By the way, if you have tips and pointers to fixing this problem with the video, let me know because I'm willing to try and learn!
Enjoy and I'll check back with you all tomorrow!
Much love to you all,
~Reiko ('-^) xoxo ♥
Your last photo is so kawaii! How did you do that? It's so fun & cute! It reminds of the Japanese photobooth pics!
Hey Steph! I've been obsessed with Purikura programs since I went to one in Japan 2 years ago >,< <3 There are websites that you can go to such as http://www.puricute.com. I used an app on my iPhone called Marron for the picture here :) It's kinda addicting, but it's so much fun xoxo
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