Hello everyone, I'm sooooo glad to be back! I'm sorry for those who have been sending me e-mails and whatnot asking where I've been. Not to worry, I'm coming back, refreshed, renewed and... feeling awesome, basically!
It has been a really rough month since my car accident last month, but with the help of my family, friends, co-workers and friends all over the net, I feel as though I'm back to where I was before the car accident occured. :) Rinoa, my first car, may be gone, but I'll never forget her. I know it may seem a bit fickle since she is a car, but what can I say? She was special to me. Even though she may be gone, I now have a new car that I can also say is very important to me now.
...you guessed it, it's name is Squall. :D I don't have photos of Squall just yet, but I will later on. He's a *brand new* 2010 Toyota Rav4, made in Japan! I love him so much! Oh, you know what you guys, I'll make a blog tomorrow for you guys introducing my handsome car :)
I'm still working at the retirement home, the place I love! I'm realizing each day that I work there how much I really love working there; my co-workers are awesome, I love being with the residents each day to talk to them as well as serve them food and drink, and... well, I love what I do as a bartender/waitress! I'm actually going to get ready soon, but I wanted to give you all a quick update about how I'm doing and that... I'll be coming back on here, full swing!
You guessed it, new blogs, new recipes, new patterns, etc! Thanks for sticking with me on this awesome journey - I promise I won't let you all down!
One more thing that I want to say to you all before I log off for now:
I have had a lot of things happen in the last month since the accident, and I've been taking things in a little bit at a time. Even through the darkest of times, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel and when a door closes, somewhere out there another door is opening. You've probably heard these kinds of things at one point or another, but these are true. Take in each moment and be happy that you are alive and living. Whether you're having good days or bad, cherish each moment, and live your life with no regrets. In the last month, I decided to live my life thinking this way, and I've been feeling much better since then :)
Much love to you all, and I'll check back with you later!

~Reiko xoxo
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