Hey everyone, I'm back! ...after a really LONG day, yes, I'm alive and... surprisingly very much awake!
...I'm guessing you guys are wondering, "Reiko... Did you even go to sleep last night?"
Well, truth be told: I only had about 2 hours of sleep in the last couple of days. No joke, and I know that it's not something that I really should be proud of either. If you saw my face this morning prior to putting on concealer and the rest of my make-up, you guys would be 99.9% be more likely to run for it... if I could put it that way. I put on A LOT of make-up to where I don't think you could really tell that I barely slept. (Actually, very few of my co-workers knew or even noticed... or so I may think!)
I was very much awake all day, and I'll get to the Does It Work?! product in a bit, but... I do want to touch onto something on the side for a moment.
Remember when I said that I wouldn't be doing all-nighters for my schoolwork? Well... You guys can slap my hand: I didn't follow through. I was able to finish my Art History homework this morning and did very well on it. However, as good as it may have felt to be able to finish my work, I'm actually a bit more disappointed that I wasn't taking care of myself as much as I should have while doing so. As a result of lack of sleep and high levels of stress, I noticed upon cleansing my face this morning that... Yes, my face started breaking out with a few small pimples on my forehead and face. =(
For those of you who may not realize this: yes, stress can cause your face to break out. An adequate amount of sleep allows your body to rest and recooperate; when you're awake the next day, the stress levels in your body won't be so high and you will feel less stressed and more relaxed. In addition, your body (rather, your immune system) will become weaker and your body will become more vulnerable to getting sick... or worse. If you want to stay strong and healthy, love your body by giving it some time to rest. I know, I've done it too and may still do it here and there, but I'm taking the baby steps to get better by making efforts to sleeping better.

When I consumed the first half of the bottle, I thought that the drink actually tasted nice, but a bit tart. I guess that's supposed to give the impression that you'll feel energized starting from the pang in the aftertaste; that didn't really work with me, but soon after, I began to read and review my materials for Art History before taking the homework quiz. I never really paid attention to the time while I was buried into my notes and monster of a textbook, but by the time I finished everything, it was almost 6 a.m. and I had to leave for work at 9. I was shocked. When did the energy truly kick in? I don't think I'd really know, but what I do know is that while I studied, I never felt so focused and awake for doing homework in such a long time... It actually felt great.
As I got myself ready for work, I wondered what would happen if I drank the other half of the bottle while in this state. You guys are probably thinking, "Reiko, you're out of your mind!" and... yes, I very well may have been, but you know what? That small bit of "energy" kept me up and alert during my 8-hour shift today. 8 HOURS. And long was it orginally supposed to last? It was another busy day during lunch and dinner and not only did I feel awake and alert, but I had this feeling like I wanted to keep moving, to keep going... as if I were a machine or something! It felt good, but I'll admit it was a bit scary as well. Again, I'm shocked that this product had kept me up this long, and as I'm typing this, I'm feeling a little bit tired. Not to the point of passing out though, but we've yet to see about that, right?!
The pros: For me, the 5-hour Energy drink kept me awake, alert and focused. I may have yawned a few times during the day which would lead to where I may be feeling tired but my mind stayed focused and sharp.
The cons: I mentioned that this product made me feel like I want to keep going, and I had the feeling that this may not be a good sign. True, I was going about very well with what I was doing at work, but at the same time I couldn't help but to think that if I kept going, what were the chances that I might lose focus and I get myself injured or something? For the rest of the shift, I definitely slowed down despite the jitters.
I can't truly determine if I'll feel the crash when I get to bed after this, but that's something to blog about later on. So here's the verdict:
Does It Work?! : YES
Would I buy this product again? : I'm not sure!
I would think that I may use this product again in the future if I really do need to be up and focused. And as I learned the hard way, I wouldn't recommend doing this for an all-nighter for homework... or even after! (So to my fellow college student readers: try not to make this too much of a habit!) I'd also recommend to not rely on this product too much though for health reasons, and you also need to allow your body to do what it can do without it. We're only human and can only do so much so don't push yourself over your own limits... Otherwise, you're going to crash in the end. =(
...and speaking of crashing, it's time for me to get myself to bed. Good night everyone! I wish you sweet dreams and an even brighter tomorrow :)
With starry love,

~Reiko ☆*.
1 comment:
aww get some sleep babe! I used to be an insomniac, but sleep does us good :)
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