[Currently listening to "Breathe" from Michelle Branch's "Hotel Paper" album.]Hey everyone, I hope you all had a good Monday :)
It's only been a few days since the car accident, and even though I'm still physically hurt, I'm very eager to come back to work. I'm feeling even more strong by the day, and I'm feeling confident about coming back to work tomorrow morning - I miss working, my co-workers, and the residents of the retirement home.
My parents and I took pictures of my bruises and inside my mouth (where I bit my lip and tongue when the airbag hit me in the face) so that we could send them off to my soon-to-be lawyer. We had one come by our house earlier today to speak to me about what happened as well as look at my injuries and taking pictures. I will admit that this guy, though helpful, was right to the point and seemed rather rude when cutting me and my dad off when we were trying to explain some details that may be important... But after signing some paperwork and exchanging information, we'll be getting in contact with the main lawyer in the next couple of days. My parents and I are very anxious to get everything done soon, but these things do take time and careful consideration.
While my parents left for work, I was left at home... I had almost forgotten what it was like to be at the house with no mode of transportation, and it did feel weird at first. But then I kept telling myself that there was no use moping or sitting idly for something to happen (...which is true!). So, I got to work with cleaning up my room, since it had been messy for the past few days from the ruckus, and even worked on my laundry. I made myself a late breakfast/early lunch (okay, fine, BRUNCH) - creamy tomato and alfredo mushroom sauce mix with macaroni noodles. I needed to chew on something soft since it was becoming difficult for me to chew with my injured lip and tongue.
I got a call earlier this evening from one of my aunts in New Jersey; my elder cousin, Douglas, had heard the news of my accident on Facebook and contacted her. It was really nice to hear her voice; I asked her not to worry about me too much because I'm feeling better by the day. It's awesome to have family members who care about you, isn't it?
I received so many responses from the note I posted on Facebook yesterday. I felt that not only did I need to let my family and friends know what happened, but to also spread the word about drunk driving awareness. Something like this can happen to almost anyone, and I wanted to reach out to as many people as I could so that my friends and family wouldn't go through what I experienced. Although I wished this didn't happen, I'm glad it did because I feel like a better and stronger person than I was that night.
There is something that I would like to share with you all before I end this entry because it really changed my view on life after Saturday night:
I went with my family to the church we often go to. We were reluctant on going at first since my brothers were saying that they didn't want to go, but my parents and I knew we needed to go and seek spiritual guidance from God. Throughout the service, my mind blanked out. I coudln't help but to think about what had happened Thursday night... In my mind, I replayed the very moment I knew that I was going to get hit. I was very thankful to be alive from the accident, but I will admit that there were times when I questioned, "What would have happened if I didn't?" or "Was someone really looking out for me out there?". So many questions...
...until we stood up and held hands to say "The Lord's Prayer".
During this time, the community stands up and joins hands with those sitting next to us in the pews or in front/behind/etc. My family sat on one end of the pew row while another family stood at other end, with a gap in between me and them. As I joined hands with my mom and I held my right hand up for the prayer, I felt something warm... The warmth of someone's hand holding mine, though I couldn't see it. I recited my prayers, my eyes still in awe at my hand... I thought, "...could it be...?"
It didn't truly hit me until I received the Eucharist and knelt at the pew - it was Him all along, and now I truly believe. I held back my tears because I didn't want my parents to see. I have no doubt in my heart and my mind about Him anymore - because of Him, I believe that miracles and dreams do come true. Anything is possible, so long as you believe in Him.
Love with all your heart, dream with all your might, and even if you find yourself in times of darkness, believe in Him and he will be your light. :)
Good night and sweet dreams, everyone :)
With love,
~Reiko ♥*.
P.S. Did I forget to mention how really sweet and wonderful my boyfriend, Taylor, really is? He came by my house on Saturday to cheer me up; he even bought me some mango-filled truffles. :) I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him for support... I don't think either of us would do if I didn't make it out all right from the incident... But I also thank God for sending me such a wonderful person in my life.